Briana L. Urena-Ravelo
1 min readJun 7, 2016


Also tired of:

Rose-tinted historical fiction where we can justify fey, dainty white women, colonial racism and making Black women the maid because HEY, IT’S ACCURATE, history isn’t PC! Also the history actually isn’t accurate

Yes he’s abusive and stalking that woman but it’s OK because he’s a supernatural being

Yes he’s abusive and stalking that woman but it’s OK because he’s a nerd and lol doesn’t get social cues!

Yes he’s abusive and stalking that woman but it’s OK because he’s a billionaire so

Yes he’s abusive and stalking that woman but it’s OK because he’s a a moody punk dude

Yes he’s abusive and stalking that woman but it’s OK just because he’s a man alright?!?

Taylor Swifting: I’m not like those other girls, like sure we’re both thin, white, middle class, able-bodied and conventionally beautiful, but I am a brunette who likes Tumblr and they’re all blonds who like instagram!

Any variation of Salem witches that is pretty much cis white feminist BS that erases Tituba/Afro-Caribbean spirituality at the core of the trials & demonizes/misrepresents Voudoo



Briana L. Urena-Ravelo

Writer. Community organizer. Errant punk. Ne’er do well. Fire starter. Email: